دورة JavaScript | شرح JavaScript
| الدرس 23 |
Hoisting DOM Reserved Words
تقدم لكم قناة المطور بالتعاون مع موقع المطور دورة Java Script الأكبر عربياً
| الدرس 23 |
Hoisting DOM Reserved Words
تقدم لكم قناة المطور بالتعاون مع موقع المطور دورة Java Script الأكبر عربياً
![]() |
دورة JavaScript | شرح JavaScript | الدرس 23 | شرح كل من Hoisting DOM Reserved Words |
شاهد الدرس
| الدرس 23 |
Hoisting DOM Reserved Words
| الدرس 23 |
Hoisting DOM Reserved Words
مشاهدة مفيدة ان شاء الله تعالى
Reserved Words
المصدر للكلمات المحجوزة من هنا
Reserved Words
JavaScript Reserved Words
In JavaScript you cannot use these reserved words as variables, labels, or function names:
abstract | arguments | boolean | break | byte |
case | catch | char | class* | const |
continue | debugger | default | delete | do |
double | else | enum* | eval | export* |
extends* | false | final | finally | float |
for | function | goto | if | implements |
import* | in | instanceof | int | interface |
let | long | native | new | null |
package | private | protected | public | return |
short | static | super* | switch | synchronized |
this | throw | throws | transient | true |
try | typeof | var | void | volatile |
while | with | yield |
JavaScript Objects, Properties, and Methods
You should also avoid using the name of JavaScript built-in objects, properties, and methods:
Array | Date | eval | function | hasOwnProperty |
Infinity | isFinite | isNaN | isPrototypeOf | length |
Math | NaN | name | Number | Object |
prototype | String | toString | undefined | valueOf |
Java Reserved Words
JavaScript is often used together with Java. You should avoid using some Java objects and properties as JavaScript identifiers:
getClass | java | JavaArray | javaClass | JavaObject | JavaPackage |
Windows Reserved Words
JavaScript can be used outside HTML. It can be used as the programming language in many other applications.
In HTML you must (for portability you should) avoid using the name of HTML and Windows objects and properties:
alert | all | anchor | anchors | area |
assign | blur | button | checkbox | clearInterval |
clearTimeout | clientInformation | close | closed | confirm |
constructor | crypto | decodeURI | decodeURIComponent | defaultStatus |
document | element | elements | embed | embeds |
encodeURI | encodeURIComponent | escape | event | fileUpload |
focus | form | forms | frame | innerHeight |
innerWidth | layer | layers | link | location |
mimeTypes | navigate | navigator | frames | frameRate |
hidden | history | image | images | offscreenBuffering |
open | opener | option | outerHeight | outerWidth |
packages | pageXOffset | pageYOffset | parent | parseFloat |
parseInt | password | pkcs11 | plugin | prompt |
propertyIsEnum | radio | reset | screenX | screenY |
scroll | secure | select | self | setInterval |
setTimeout | status | submit | taint | text |
textarea | top | unescape | untaint | window |
HTML Event Handlers
In addition you should avoid using the name of all HTML event handlers.
onblur | onclick | onerror | onfocus |
onkeydown | onkeypress | onkeyup | onmouseover |
onload | onmouseup | onmousedown | onsubmit |
المصدر للكلمات المحجوزة من هنا
دورة JavaScript | شرح JavaScript
| الدرس 23 |
Hoisting DOM Reserved Words
| الدرس 23 |
Hoisting DOM Reserved Words